American Liberty Mortgage, Inc

The ALM brand MUST remain consistent and professionally executed.

For compliance:  The logos must remain unmodified (print or digital)

The American Liberty Mortgage, INC logotype, which represents the American Liberty Mortgage, INC brand identity, is custom-designed and may never be typeset or reproduced in any form other than shown below. 

Brand Guidelines (please read before downloading files)

1. Letter spacing and proportion may not be altered. Letters may not be stacked or used vertically.

2. The logotype may not be typeset or reproduced in any form other than shown

3. No shading or screens of the logotype are permitted.

4. The American Liberty Mortgage, INC, logotype may appear as a positive image or as reversals or overprints’ however, prior approval is necessary:

5. The fonts, colors, or location identities may not be modified.

6. The control area around the logotype must always be respected. Any and all exceptions must receive prior approval by request:

8. All advertisements & materials must contain the correct disclosures for compliance. These must be developed in conjunction with and approved by ALM corporate:

9. Any printed material (digital or printed:  magazine ads, brochures, stationery, etc.) should include the location’s specific web address and the American Liberty Mortgage, INC logotype, just as you would include your phone number.

Hex, CMYK, RGB colors:



cmyk(0%, 93%, 83%, 41%)

rgb(151, 10, 26)



cmyk(72%, 46%, 0%, 68%)

rgb(23, 44, 81)



Raleway Light

Download PNG, JPG, or PDF logos below.

For a specific size or file format – please submit a detailed request to:

ALM Polk (Winter Haven – 7th St.)

ALM Arizona (Scottsdale)

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American Liberty Mortgage, Inc.

1932 W 33rd Ave Denver, CO 80211