Updates, Standards & Practices for our clients & our staff.


We Are Here for You

These are unprecedented times for all of us, but as an American Liberty Mortgage Client, know that we are here for you.

To ensure the safety of our staff and members, ALL BRANCHES have been temporarily-physically closed, however,  our team is currently working virtually, with no disruption in service.

At a time when social distancing due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) is in effect, we understand this may raise concern; please know, whatever questions or concerns you have, we are here to provide help & solutions to the best of our ability.

We are monitoring all new information disseminated by local, state, and federal authorities to determine if any additional measures are necessary to further minimize the impact of COVID-19.  We will continue to provide you updates every step of the way.

We are all in this together.

Seth Gallaher,

President, American Liberty Mortgage, Inc.

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It is our commitment to you that American Liberty Mortgage will remain available to our clients during this emergency so that you can continue to rely on us for your mortgage needs.

American Liberty Mortgage has always been prepared for possible disasters with virtual or “work-from-home” scenarios so it was a relatively easy switch for us to have all staff work remotely when possible.
Because we planned for this, we do not anticipate any disruption in service, although this could change as Federal, state and local requirements seem to change daily.

We are abiding by the following COVID-19 best practices that are consistent with CDC and state health department guidelines aimed at keeping consumers, loan officers and title company staff as safe as possible.
These procedures include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Remote work for employees wherever possible;
  • Enhanced employee hygiene requirements such as hand-washing between closings, utilization of hand sanitizer and appropriate social distancing, such as sitting at least six feet apart in closings;
  • Requiring electronic payment of earnest money;
  • Limiting attendees of closings to necessary individuals only;
  • Providing hand sanitizer to consumers in lobbies and closing rooms;
  • Disinfecting closing rooms between closings;
  • Providing new pens to each individual in each closing and asking that the pan be taken with by the individual when they leave;
  • If a consumer is ill, they are asked not to come to closing and make alternative arrangements for closing their transaction.